In 2014, companies spent 14 percent more for their portion of healthcare premiums than they did three years ago, according to CNN Money. Premiums for the year averaged $9,560 per worker.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that:
- 75 percent of U.S. healthcare dollars are spent to treat chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and arthritis among others.
- Nearly one in live with one chronic disease
- Chronic diseases are among the most preventable and treatable of all health problems
- Tobacco use, insufficient exercise, poor eating habits and excessive alcohol use – all modifiable behaviors- are responsible much of the illness, disability and premature death related to chronic diseases.
Let us help reduce these statistics in your organization with our wellness services that include:
- Health Risk Assessment
- Personal Health Records
- Onsite blood work and biometric screenings
- Health education topics tailored to your employees needs
- Executive physicals
- Onsite clinics